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If you suspect errors, fraud or abuse, report it immediately!
You can protect other people from becoming victims and help to save your Medicare benefits.
If you have questions about information on your Medicare Summary Notice, bills you have received from your providers, or Part D Explanation of Benefits, call the provider or plan in question as soon as possible.
If you are not comfortable calling your provider or plan directly, call the North Carolina Senior Medicare Patrol (NCSMP) program.
NC Senior Medicare Patrol (NCSMP): 1-(855)-408-1212. All calls are confidential.
Do you pay more than $10 for your prescriptions?
The Low-Income Subsidy (LIS), or “Extra Help” through the Social Security Administration may be available to help if the follow applies to you:
You are SINGLE, and your yearly income is less than $20,388 ($1,699 monthly),and you have less than $14,010 in other resources* per year.
You are MARRIED and living with your spouse and no other dependents, your yearly income must be less than $27,468 ($2,289monthly), and you have less than $27,950 in other resources* per year.
*Resource limits includes bank accounts, investments, IRAs, Veteran’s benefits, pensions, annuities, mutual funds, and property other than your home.
If you feel you may qualify, call our office at (704)-292-1797 to be screened for Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) or “Extra Help” eligibility.
The Medicare Annual Open Enrollment Period is October 15 – December 7.
During this period, our team of SHIIP Counselors help individuals who already have Medicare to review their Prescription Drug Plans (Part D) and Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C).
For 2022, there are multiple Part D (prescription drug) plans and Part C (Medicare Advantage) plans available to Union County residents. Each plan has different monthly premiums, copays, deductibles, and formularies. All these factors determine how much you pay for your prescriptions.
If you are new to Medicare anytime during the year, you have a special enrollment period to enroll in Medicare.
During open enrollment in 2022, our staff and volunteers helped 455 Medicare beneficiaries review their plan–saving those individuals $337,307.
Help us to help others!
In order to offer this excellent service to Medicare beneficiaries and their families in North Carolina free of charge, SHIIP needs dedicated and caring volunteers. SHIIP volunteers help Medicare beneficiaries of all ages with any and all Medicare needs.
Volunteers should:
For more information on becoming a SHIIP counselor, click here.